Thursday, May 26, 2011

.. And So It Ends! Week Three Of Finals (Days 140 - 143)

(Being the events of:)
MAY 22 - 25, 2011

Well, I'm finally all finished up! Nothing to do now but relax, enjoy London, and spend what's left of my money. And enjoy this beautiful weather! .. well, as it's raining on-and-off outside now, so it looks like that's going to have to wait.

The last final wasn't too bad: just a lot of memorizing definitions and computer theory, specifically that dealing with operating systems. Piece of cake.

Watched a couple films to take a break from studying, including a couple I'd already seen, but just was 'in the mood for': 'Inglourious Basterds' and the 2009 reboot of 'Star Trek'. Both real solid flicks! Other than that, popped another classic in: 'North by Northwest' - a great old Hitchcock thriller with the fantastic Cary Grant. Love it. Perfect mix of thriller, action, humour, and romance. Plus, you gotta love the performance of Cary Grant; the guy's got some great lines..

Not much happened between the studying and relaxing. Oh, finally caught up to the end of the last season of Dexter! Loved it - excited to see what next season's going to be like. Moved on to the next show already: the new HBO fantasy series 'Game of Thrones', which is pretty good so far. First episode was pretty much character introduction - it reminds me of like a 'Lord of the Rings'-themed soap opera so far. Not a terrible thing, but supposedly it'll have some good action and intriguing story lines so it's something to look forward to. Other than that, I'm pretty much all caught up on every other show - and both Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother just had their season finales, so looks like no more of that until they come back in the fall. Modern Family's got one more episode this week, but since I pretty much caught Game Of Thrones at the beginning, I'm probably going to be looking for another show by the time I get home.

Man, can't believe I'll be home in 10 days. Stateside in 9. Looking forward to American food and television. And my family and friends. Not looking forward to having to wake up for work again before noon, but I guess I'll figure that out when I get there..

After my final, I went out with some people last night: started out at a friend's flat and pre-gamed for a while with more people showing up. Eventually, we made our way down the road trying to find a place to go and ended up at a bar doing karaoke. It was fun; did some dancing and singing. Headed home for the night, grabbing a burger on the way of course, and ended up skyping with Brittney for a bit before hitting the hay.

Aaaaaaand that's about it. Woke up to rain thrashing on the window and decided it would be a good day to just hang in, relax, watch some TV, play some guitar. If the weather clears up, I'll keep an eye out for anything going on tonight, but who knows. Right now, popped in one of my all-time favorite movies, 'The Shawshank Redemption', as an end-of-term celebration (what's better than a prison-break story!) while I type up this post. Tomorrow, hanging out with some people during the day, going out to dinner, then heading out for the night. No real set locations yet, but we'll figure it out. Should be fun regardless!

With my time here getting shorter and shorter, looks like next week's gonna be all last-minute sight-seeing, partying, sleeping, and packing. Then it's homeward bound. So look out for a couple more good posts before I finish up for good. No idea if I'll keep this up afterwards - if I do, it probably won't be on this blog, since it's travel-themed. We'll see; I'm actually doubting that I'll keep it up.. Oh well.

Good music of the moment:
Grizzly Bear - 'Little Brother', off their album 'Yellow House'


Happy end-of-term!

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