Sunday, March 27, 2011

Highlights of the Past Week (Days 78 - 84)

(Being the events of:)
MARCH 21 - 27, 2011

Well, to start off, this wasn't a very exciting week. It had it's good moments, but it certainly wasn't the most exhilarating week in London. Not that London hasn't been awesome - I've just basically been pretty frugal when it comes to my daily expenditures. All in the name of my approaching trip to Italy; I figure I'd rather splurge while I'm Italy rather than here, where I've been splurging for three months (holy crap!) now! I can't believe it's almost April already.. which means that I'm done with classes next week! Isn't that crazy? We've just passed the halfway point of spring semester back in the states, and I'm across the pond finishing classes for the term. Granted, after my month off for spring break, I do have final exams in May. But whereas we have 'reading days' and 'finals week' back home, they basically have an entire month of intermittent finals and empty days - which is good news, I guess; more study time!

Anyway, like I said: this past week hasn't been exactly the bee's knee's. But there were some fun times: a new haircut, a pub quiz with some pals, some new music, a night out last night with almost the entire football club, a thermo exam. Well, the exam wasn't exactly fun, but it wasn't terrible - just one more step towards being done with the term!

So I'm not going to bore you with a daily recap, since not much happened; we'll just go with a highlight reel for the week..

- On Monday, my OS professor announced that we were done with lectures for the term - no more 9am Monday lectures for the rest of my life! (Hopefully!)

- Watched 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' at some point: it was pretty good. Great performance by Jim Carrey in a more serious role (unlike that 'The Number 21' fiasco). Didn't really like the character of that chick from Titanic. But a pretty good story with a solid cast. Nice.

- Pens won a big two points against the Red Wings on Monday night (loving this 4-hour ahead thing - I get to actually watch the games AND get to bed before 2am!). Great game for the Pens; well, maybe great two periods - third was meltdown city, letting the Wings come back to tie after being down 4-0. But a nice win in the shootout: Neal coming up big with a great shot. Creeping up on those Flyers for the top of the Eastern Conference wooooooo

- Another movie this week: 'The Searchers' - an old John Wayne classic considered to be one of the greatest Westerns of all time. I'm starting off on a bit of a 'classic movie' binge, focusing on some considered 'the greatest' in their respective categories. So I thought I'd start off with a Western, and I wasn't disappointed. John Wayne was great in a surprisingly serious turn, the story was solid, and the beautiful scenery of Arizona/Utah stole the show. Just amazing landscapes all around. Great stuff

- Got a haircut on Wednesday. It was getting pretty long, curly, and unmanageable. Now it's back to the classic shorter version of the same thing. Good as new. It wasn't too hard finding a place to go - there's a barbershop right behind my complex and they were pretty good for a decent price. Guy even used a straight razor around the edges, which was new to me. Pretty sweet though.

- Pub quiz on Wednesday with some pals. We didn't win (top prize was 75-quid! darn it!), but it was fun. Some pretty rough questions though..

- Another big shootout win for the Pens against our in-state rivals: Philly. Followed by yet ANOTHER shootout win against Jersey on Friday. Unbelievably, we went on to win STILL ANOTHER shootout today against Florida. Unreal. Oh well, as long as we're taking the two points, I'm not too concerned. Inching closer to Philly with each point.. And these wins are great in the continued absence of big-hitters Crosby and Malkin, though Crosby's been skating and playing fantastically in practice. Eastern Conference better get ready. Fleury's been on fire too - Neal/Kovy have been huge in the shootout, with flashes of greatness each game.

- Found some time this weekend to sit down for a couple of hours and record a new song. It's called 'Spark' and you can check it out on my music site:!

- Went out with all the football guys Saturday night. Got all dressed up (even busted out the suit jacket - I looked good). Went out to an Indian restaurant on Brick Lane, which is a huge hub for Indian food

Brick Lane by day..

.. and by night!

I had some laughs with the lads talking about how every single restaurant advertised the fact that they were 'The Greatest Indian Restaurant in London' or had 'The Greatest Chef in London'. We were also convinced that they were all connected to one kitchen - it was apparently well known that not only did they all offer the same menu, but all their courses tasted the same. But in the end, it was a ton of fun: good food, 60 football lads crowded into the basement of the restaurant, lots of booze, and lots of fun stories from the season. Oh, and each team gave awards to some of their players like 'Leading Scorer', 'Player's Player' (voted by the players), 'Fresher of the Year' (best freshman player), and 'Muppet of the Year' (token funny guy or guy involved in some embarrassing or hilarious story). I didn't get anything.. until later that evening when one of the lads from my team decided he didn't really deserve the 'Top Goal Scorer' trophy and just handed it over to me. I, with my one goal on the season, didn't feel I deserved the trophy more than anyone else - they pointed out to me that I was the leading scorer on our team this term, as the majority of our goals came from players from other teams who were filling in. Plus it was agreed upon I probably had the best goals-per-game average with 1 goal in 5 games. So now I've got this thing as a nice little reminder of my time with KCLFC 4s:

I guess I'll take it!

After leaving the restaurant, we proceeded to do the usual and wandered the streets of London yelling KCL chants into the night..

"When I was just a little boy, I asked my mother 'What will I be? Will I be UC or will I be King's? Here's what she said to me: Wash your mouth out son - go fetch your father's gun, and shoot all the godless scum! KCL-CL! KKKKKCL-CL! Whatever will be, will be! We shat on the LSE! KCL-CL!"

.. then we headed back to the university pub, 'The Waterfront' for a couple more pints and fun times. It was a good night!

- The final movie of the week, and one considered to be the greatest of all time: 'Citizen Kane'. I'd never seen it, but had been been curious for some time. This 'classic film' binge seemed the perfect time to check it out. And it was indeed a fantastic film, from all perspectives: solid performances all around (you gotta love Orson Welles), innovative film techniques, great dialogue, and a gripping biopic of a man who had everything but all he ever wanted was for people to love him. Do I feel it deserves the 'greatest film of all-time' moniker? Maybe. It certainly ranks up there in my own measly film collective - I don't think I have the experience, knowledge, or context to truly analyze it from both a consumer and a film specialist's perspectives, or to understand just how ground-breaking a lot of the movie techniques were. Great stuff, nonetheless.

I still, however, have to give either 'Shawshank Redemption' or 'Saving Private Ryan' the honor of being my personal favorite movie. Sorry, Charlie [Kane].

- Well, now's as good a time as any to show you how my room turned out:

Map of Dublin (top left), postcards from all the places I've been, and Penguins poster. Woot!

Best thing about this picture? Not the 'Boondock Saints' poster, guitar, or map of Edinburgh (top right). Nope, it's the huge jar of JIF peanut butter atop the fridge. Love it. Thanks mum!

Did I mention I was collecting beer cans? It's still got a ways to go in my opinion..

And that was really it! Just fill in all the blanks with me either studying, hanging out, or watching TV shows. Speaking of: the new Anthony Bourdain episode in Vienna was absolute quality. Tony being hilarious and truly enjoying himself, couple with the amazing scenery of a snowy Vienna, made me a very happy viewer. And the new 'How I Met Your Mother' episode was solid - the Trinity Killer from Dexter even made an appearance! Gotta love it..

Some fun stuff on the horizon for this week so we'll see what happens!

Good music of the moment:
Bright Eyes - 'Shell Games', off their new album 'The People's Key'
This song is one of the reasons this album may eventually grow on me. It's catchy and well-written. Good stuff!


And that's all I have to say about that..

Monday, March 21, 2011

A Bit Of Catch-Up (Days 71 - 77)

(Being the recollection of:)
MARCH 14 - 20, 2011

Alrighty, I've fallen behind so for my own sake, I'm going to go through a quick update of what went on this past week. I don't know if there will be any pictures - I'm just going to play this one by ear - so just a head's up to anyone who just likes looking at the pretty pictures!


Monday, 14 March
Sadly, I had to take Brittney back to the airport to catch her flight home (fingers crossed for no problems with the flight!). Still half asleep, I pack into the now-crowded tube and find a seat amongst the early morning rush hour crowd heading into London. Made it back in time to stumble to my 9am class and sit through a couple hours of boring lectures. Then it was, of course, nap time! Eventually, I probably did some work and got something done.. That night, I got together with a bunch of people to celebrate one of my English friend's birthdays! A couple of beers, some cake, some drinking games, and fun times ensued for a while. Afterwards, made my way back to my room and readied myself for my sleep-in day tomorrow by staying up to watch a movie before heading to bed. Tonight's flick: 'Dr. Strangelove' to continue with the Kubrick theme. I'd never seen it, but have always heard great things. And I was not disappointed. Just a fantastic film with so much subtle humor and satire. Classic Kubrick as well. It was a good night!


Tuesday, 15 March
I don't think I really did anything today.. Slept in, got some stuff done, went to my one class, hung around. Don't remember much else, actually! At least nothing too exciting.. Probably worked a bit on the blog, may have skyped with the family briefly.. Who knows!


Wednesday, 16 March
One class early before getting ready and meeting up with the football lads for our last match of the season. It wasn't a terrible match, just not very exciting on both ends. I played right mid and didn't get any looks at the net. We lost 1-0 when an errant pass from one of our defenders went right to their offside strikers, who easily placed it into the corner of the net. After that, neither team really had any solid chances and the game eventually wound down. It was a bummer to end a not-too-strong season that way, but I was happy just to be playing!

Later that night, most of the football club came together at the university pub for a night of 'pub golf'! Now, a brief explanation: pub gold involves a huge group of people (in our case, 30-40 football lads!) all dressing up in anything falling under 'golf attire' and going around to nine different 'holes'. The holes tonight were seven different pubs/bars in the area where we would all have a specified drink. The main point of the game comes with the drinking: each place has a 'par' that stands for how many sips it takes you to drink whatever the specified drink is at the current destination. And let me tell you, there were a whole lot of Par 1's (basically, you had to chug it!) on that scoresheet.. It was a lot of fun though! 30-40 lads chugging down pints, wandering through the streets of London yelling KCL chants and football songs into the night, and me trying to hold my own as an American amongst a bunch of Brits! And in case you were wondering, yes, I did dress up a bit: that checkered jumper from Primark that I hinted at earlier last week? Rocked it with a polo and some khaki slacks. Looked like Bagger Vance out there ladies and gents (somehow, no pictures of said event survive..). Anyway, some of the drinks: a couple pints of beer (a Carlsberg, some Snakebite, a bitter ale), a mojito (no clue why this was on the list..), a glass of red wine (yuck.), a glass of white wine, a couple mixed drinks, and an Irish Car Bomb (happy St. Patrick's Day!). Most were pretty easy 'holes in one'.

And I think my score of par was a pretty solid showing for the evening!


Thursday, 17 March
Top o' th' mornin' ya and a Happy St. Patrick's Day! I spent most of the day recovering from the night before, actually. Got through my early classes alright, but crashed back into bed when I returned to my flat. Everything was much better after that! Got some work done, but don't really remember anything particularly exciting happening. I applied to a couple more summer internships, so that was fun. Probably worked on that last big blog post, and tried to catch up with the couple episodes of How I Met Your Mother that I'd missed earlier this year. That was pretty much it though! Like I was saying with the St. Patty's Day parade, it's not that big in England. I walked around all day wearing my Ireland t-shirt, but I don't think I saw anyone else wearing a significant amount of green. Not like in the states, at least, where walking around my campus is like walking through a field of shamrocks. Oh well, as I was still recovering from the night before (green beer just didn't sound too appetizing at the moment for some reason..), I didn't feel too bad not participating in any shenanigans (not that I knew of any going on, sadly). Another thing I did miss though: Shamrock Shakes at McDonalds. They're really not that fantastic (to me, they just taste like vanilla milkshakes with mint syrup), but they're certainly a novelty for any true American St. Patty's Day celebrations!


Friday, 18 March
9am lectures. Ugh. During the afternoon, met up with my Italy travel pals and booked our hostels: so it's all officially set now! We have all the travel and living stuff down - now to just plan out everything we want to see! I'm excited, though I don't think I'll be doing anything too exciting (read: expensive) until then so I can save up the money to splurge a bit while I'm there! In fact, after all the money I spent with Brittney, with pub golf on top of that, I kind of had it in my head to just hang in this weekend and take it easy. So I just hung out, got some stuff done, played some Starcraft with the Case guys, then popped in a movie for the night: a strong finish to the Kubrick binge with '2001: A Space Odyssey', which I'd seen before, but still consider a sci-fi classic and always enjoy. Great stuff on all accounts.


Saturday, 19 March
Today I slept in. Like really slept in. We're talking rolling out of bed around 2pm sleeping in. I hadn't done that in so long, and it was awesome! After the sleep deprivation (read: waking up far too early!) of the previous weeks, I felt like I finally was all caught up! I was productive once I was up though, doing some necessary grocery shopping, then finishing up some math homework and doing a bit of studying. After dinner, a bit more Starcraft with the Case boys, then another movie to round out another relaxing, cheap, night. Something completely new for this evening, however: Guillermo del Toro's 'Pan's Labyrinth'. A beautiful mix of fantasy, horror, and war all encompassed in the story of a little Spanish girl trying to escape the terrors of a war-stricken nation and the loss of her father by entering a fantasy world where she must prove herself as the princess of another realm. A great story, with beautiful visuals and effects - plus enough gore and war violence to safely say this one is not for the kids, regardless of the premise. Don't let the subtitles turn you off (it's a Spanish film after all) - it's a pretty solid movie on all fronts. Although it's awesome that Peter Jackson is now handling the reigns of 'The Hobbit' film adaptation coming out next year, del Toro's version would probably have been just as great, if not better, had he not departed from the project due to production problems and delays. Bummer.


Sunday, 20 March
Just a pretty lazy day overall: slept in, got some work done in the afternoon, skyped with the family, played some Starcraft with Tom, watched a couple episodes of 'The Big Bang Theory' to catch up on the last couple episodes. Really not much else going on. Oh, I did get a bunch of new music this weekend (and wrote a tiny bit of my own as well!). Some of the highlights include:

Arctic Monkeys - 'Humbug'
The English indie/punk heavy hitters came out with another fantastic album back in 2009 and I'd been meaning to get my hands on it for some time. Great stuff; classic A.M.

Bright Eyes - 'The People's Key'
One of my all-time favorite bands just dropped a new album! After the first couple of listens, I can say that I like it, but I think they've definitely had better. Conor Oberst is a fantastic writer, but with a couple songs on here, I'm just not hearing the usual passion. Definitely some good tracks, but I'll definitely need a couple more listens to decide.

Frightened Rabbit - 'The Winter of Mixed Drinks'
After how much I liked their debut album, I've had my eye on this one for a while. Pretty similar in feel and sound, which is never a bad thing. Love these Scottish indie rockers.

Grizzly Bear - 'Veckatimest'
These New York folk rockers are definitely an acquired taste with their experimental tunes and lofty vocals. Great stuff though.

Swan Lake - 'Beast Moans'
Speaking of acquired tastes, this indie supergroup (with members from two other great bands: 'The New Pornographers' and 'Wolf Parade') put together this interesting bit of music back in 2006. Some good stuff coming out of these guys, but make sure you're a fan of the two aforementioned bands before having a listen. Both have very specific sounds. Love it regardless.

Things to look forward to this week: new episodes of 'Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations' and 'How I Met Your Mother', some great weather (sunny, high 60), maybe pub quiz Wednesday, and some fun nights out hopefully. Things to not look forward to: another Thermo exam Friday, have to do laundry, need a haircut, need to keep being stingy with the cash. Oh well, should be fun times regardless.

Here, have a pretty picture

Good music of the moment:
Toro Y Moi - 'Still Sound', off their album 'Underneath The Pine'
Another new discovery of mine. Sort of sound like 'Broken Bells' with their indie/synth-pop vibe. Good stuff; still deciding if it's "great stuff" though.


Sorry for the pretty dull post - also can't promise anything too exciting in the near future, what with me trying to save money for the trip to Italy. THAT will be a fantastic couple of posts when that happens in April. Can't wait!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Week In London With Brittney! (Days 64 - 70)

(Being the fun-filled events of:)
MARCH 7 - 13

Well! I don't even know where to begin! How does one start off recalling an entire week of fun-filled and exciting activities?!

I'll start with a quick recap of the day that Brittney SHOULD have originally arrived: Monday. Early class, studied and got some stuff done during the afternoon; vacuumed and got the place ready for Brittney's arrival! Brittney was supposed to arrive in London around 10pm, but there were some scary moments at the beginning of her flight - one of the engines was having problems so they had to turn around about an hour into the flight and head back to DC. It was scary watching the flight status changing just from my little London flat - I can't imagine what it was like on the plane. But in the end, everyone was fine and she had the catch the next flight that was going to get in around 6am. Ughhhh. Better get some sleep..


Woke up Tuesday and caught the earliest train out around 5:40am still half-asleep. Got to Heathrow, dashed up the escalator, and went as far as I could go into the 'International Arrivals' section to wait for Brittney. A couple business-men and other newly-arrived passengers pass by, in on their early flights and looking just as groggy as me; but still no Brittney! I'm walking around, bouncing on my toes, looking for any sign of her little (recently-dyed!) redhead bouncing over towards me. I was just giving up hope (nah, not really) when I'm attacked from behind out of nowhere! And then the assailant placed a big wet one on me! So that's how Brittney arrived in London, and we started off a fun week at 6am on a Tuesday..

So we caught the tube back to my place, Brittney grabbed a quick shower, and we were off on day one of our adventures! Here's our first day in pictures (Brittney took several as well, some of which I'll steal, but these are mostly the ones I took):

Early morning coffee (hot chocolate for me!) and pastries! She's so cute..

Then we headed to Trafalgar Square for a fountain-side photo-op! It was such a beautiful day!

Obligatory picture with the lions!

Then we walked over towards Horseguards where we found this guy prancing around!

After that, walking down The Mall towards Buckingham Palace, we found his friends!

Buckingham Palace!

Ah, to be London royalty..

Just me loving the awesome clocks around London

More walking around different parts of London, on our way to Green and Hyde Parks. Found this cool and random sculpture in one of the little grassy knolls. 

A neat church with cool columns

More pretty shots of west London on a beautiful day

Finally looked this place up: Belgrave Square. Those flags all designate the different embassies: I think the nearest on the left is the German Embassy, but there were tons of others.  

Then we decided to walk through Hyde Park on such a beautiful day!

A neat old and twisted tree

Me trying to be artsy with a cool little tree. 'Trying' is the key word here..

Hanging out along 'The Serpentine', the body of water in the middle of Hyde Park

Looking father down the pond. Very pretty here


Some swans

A neat little archway of plants and flowers. I bet it's beautiful in the Spring.

A fountain and some pink-flowered trees

Looking down Serpentine Road into the park (Hyde Park is HUGE) as we're leaving.

A statue of me. Wait, that's not me? Oh..

Note: there are lions and unicorns EVERYWHERE around London. What's that about?!?! According to a quick Wikipedia search, the lion and unicorn are symbols of the UK, with the lion being England the unicorn, Scotland. Still no idea what that's all about..

Anyway, we moved onto Green Park, but not before grabbing some sandwiches from a local Pret a' Manger for a little picnic! It was a beautiful day, so we found a nice spot of grass in the middle of the park and settled down for a little while! We munched on our sandwiches, chatted, and watched all of the different dogs running around the park, fetching balls and sticks for their casually walking or jogging owners. Eventually we continued through the park, passed Buckingham Palace again, and decided to head back through St. James' Park - it was just such a great park-strolling day!

The view of the London Eye and Horseguards from the park.

A random and kind old English man asked if we wanted our picture taken!

This is where we should have picnicked - so many people just laying around in the flowers! 

Horseguards, so pretty from the park

Continuing on, the Supreme Court building

.. and Westminster Abbey, which never ceases to amaze me.

Just awesome

A view of the western tower

Methodist Central Hall, whatever that is. Neat building though

A nearby statue

A huge old tree inside the Dean's Yard behind Westminster Abbey

The western face of the Abbey

Picture with Big Ben, take one!

.. and take two!


The big guy himself 

A closer view. What an iconic structure

After that, we made our way back to my place so I could get to class and Brittney could take a nap! Then we made our way up to Haymarket Street and Her Majesty's Theatre, where we bought some cheap tickets to see Phantom of the Opera!

The inside of the theatre and the stage!

It was a great show - I'd never seen it before - and we both enjoyed it! The voices of the main cast were amazing, but the Phantom definitely was the best. Afterwards, we grabbed our first pint together at a local pub before heading home for the night! What a fun first day and night out!


We woke up early on Wednesday to catch the tube up to King's Cross Station; from there, we caught an early train north up to the beautiful old town of York!

A view over the river in the early York sunlight!

We started off the day with some scones and coffee (hot chocolate for me, of course!) at a cute little cafe, then made our way through the town!

One of many neat old churches

A central shopping square

The entrance to Newgate Market!

Inside Newgate Market - a hub of all things food, clothing, and anything else random and sellable! What a fun little place!

A cool and busy side street full of shoppers

Another church down the way

The main event itself - York Minster! It was so HUGE and gorgeous!

Just loving the architecture

Awesome towers

I didn't take many photos inside, to be reverent, but I liked these huge stained glass windows 

Just an awe-inspiring array of architecture and decor

A beautiful ceiling in a side chapel area

It really was an amazing structure. Tons of history (stretching back to 612, when the first church was built on the spot), and just a supreme example of what religion meant to the people who built it. Mind-boggling how they even built such a huge building as well - it's one of the largest of its kind in Northern Europe and is the seat of the Archbishop of York, the second highest office in the Church of England.

Another cool old church!

Clifford's Tower

View of the Castle Museum from atop the hill of Clifford's Tower!

View towards the river

More cool buildings

Then we decided to walk along the old city walls! Very cool

Just outside the city walls, another really old church - almost abandoned-looking even. Creepy!

The main entrance to inside the old castle walls!

After that, we did some more wandering around the town, perusing through old bookshops and other shops, eventually settling down in a coffee shop to beat the cold for a bit! 

Hooray for cool clocks! This is while we were searching around for a cool pub for some good ol' fish n' chips!

Eventually we found one and had a delicious and classic British meal, with a couple of good English pints to complement! After hopping to another pub for a final pint of the night, we caught the long train back to London, falling asleep as the dark countryside passed quietly outside the window and the moonlight flittered amongst the clouds of another great night in England!


I had class 10am - 1pm on Thursday morning, while Brittney got to sleep in! After meeting up again, we made our way eastwards towards Borough Market for some fresh lunch and tasty free samples from the local vendors! Yum!

After taking our time winding among the stalls, smelling the combined scent of fresh fish and meat with bread and cheese, trying mulled wine (basically, hot wine with spices - not too bad!), and settling down at a little table for lunch, we eventually caught the tube up to busy Oxford Circus to do some window-shopping ( and perhaps some real shopping here and there as well!).

We skipped down Oxford Circus, hand in hand, dodging frantic shoppers and glazed-eyed tourists, hopping into shops here and there to look at the various shoe and clothing sales (well, one of us was anyway..).  Primark was insane, as usual - everyone running around, holding up jeans, shirts, jumpers (sweaters, in British-speak), then tossing them haphazardly back onto the rack, shelf, or even floor. Primark, if  I haven't explained it already, is basically like a HUGE department store with all sorts of cheap clothing and household items. And it gets pretty hectic with shoppers looking for the best deal. The line for the dressing room was like half a mile (0.8 km to my British readers..) long, so Brittney basically decided to just cross her fingers with the couple of items she picked out and go with it. I purchased a checkered jumper for an event coming up next week, but I'll get to that later..

We made our way back down the street and onto Regent's Street, heading towards Piccadilly Circus. A quick stop in the National Geographic store (there are stores?!? AWESOME! my only question is where is there one in the US?!), then Piccadilly Circus!

Obligatory cute couple picture in Piccadilly Circus. Aww

Nothing we haven't seen before - on to finding dinner! I have to admit, I originally had a perfect place in mind: romantic, cozy, super British, near Piccadilly Circus in the Soho area. We had just passed our two-year last month, so I thought I'd take her out for something nice. As it turns out, the place I had my eyes on was pretty small and apparently you needed to set reservations a couple days in advance. Whoops! Oh well, we'll find something good! After walking around the Soho area for a while, we eventually decided on a nice little place with good food and a cozy atmosphere!

After spending a while eating, drinking, and just hanging out, we eventually headed back to my flat. We decided to watch 'A Clockwork Orange' before we hit the sack, which I enjoyed and Brittney fell asleep to (no surprise there though! :p). It also went along with my recent Kubrick binge, so I was happy! It was real good. Very interesting. Goodnight!


Friday was pretty lame for the majority of the day: it was class/exam day, so there wasn't much fun until later that night. Went to class in the morning, studied most of the afternoon, took my exam (which actually kind of sucked, but I didn't end up doing terribly - still 20 points above the average. Yikes!), one more class, then finally time to relax!

Once I picked up Brittney from the coffee shop where she hung out while I was in class, we made our way to Iceland to pick up some pasta and chicken for dinner! Yum!

After dinner, we went out on the town to three different pubs! One in Covent Garden which was fun, but a little loud; one in Leicester Square which was really fun and pretty nice (bought Brittney a beer for the first time ever! Strongbow, of course!); finally, one near Trafalgar Square that was packed with younger people and was a lot of fun!

Last call - better head home for the night; more fun coming up tomorrow!


We slept in on Saturday, eventually rolling out of bed to eat a bit of lunch before hopping on the tube to Notting Hill and Portobello Road Market! 


Only open on Saturdays, the market gets pretty hectic with people looking for interesting items and tourists looking for anything fun and cheap! 

One-third antiques, one-third food, and one-third anything else you'd want (clothing, art, etc!). Here, a great picture (I think I stole this from Brittney - thanks babe teehee!) of some neat old cameras.

Tons of people!

Hummingbird Bakery! Home to probably one of the best cupcakes I've ever had. And it was only vanilla with chocolate sprinkles! But ohhh the texture, the flavors, the pure deliciousness! Yum! The excitingly-decorated cupcakes are probably good, but even the simple ones are awesome here!

Inside a clothing store - all the walls covered in old sewing machines. Really cool!

Brittney got some fun stuff for herself and pals back home, I bought a neat little pocket watch with the Tower Bridge engraved on it for only 5-quid, and I got Brittney a cute necklace. It was a ton of fun just walking around and seeing everything!

We eventually squeezed our way back out of the packed market and decided to walk through a bit of north London on our way to Regent's Park and Primrose Hill for the sunset!

Passing by Westminster College

A cool building

Regent's Park! Very pretty, and huge!

The front gates of The Queen's Gardens (I think..?) in Regent's Park

A pretty fountain

Very pretty!

After strolling through the park, we stomped up Primrose Hill for a great view of the central London skyline!


There wasn't much of a sunset because of the clouds, but it was a great view! We eventually made our way back to my place to finish off the leftovers from yesterday's dinner, before heading out on another night of pubs and fun! Three more pubs: one near my campus that was more chill with some good Sam Smith's pints; a different one in Covent Garden that was fun; and a really nice and fun pub that I think was somewhere else in Covent Garden..? or maybe Soho..? It didn't matter, it was fun! And I had a great pint of Guinness (Brittney had her Strongbow!)

Another great day/night, with the final day of fun on the horizon!


Another morning to sleep in before getting ready and finding a fun pub for Sunday Roast! We found a good one near Traflagar Square that was busy and made a delicious roast: a HUGE hunk of roasted chicken, potatoes, peas, carrots, bread, and some stuffing-like stuff. Yum! Oh and did I mention the pint that came with it? Yup, I enjoyed a Carlsberg with my lunch at 1230pm on a Sunday. Now I'm officially British!

Outside the pub, the sound of approaching bagpipes and the cheers of thousands of Irish people could be heard: the St. Patrick's Day parade and festivities were about to begin! We finished up our delicious meal and made our way outside for the fun!


I swear the great majority of the people there were actually Irish people living in London, rather than English people.

Ahh so cool, I want one!

A giant rugby jersey!


Now things start getting trippy..

Woahhh whattttt? Yeah, no idea.

Gotta love bearded Irish cows. That's what they all look like in that country, right?

One of the several buses laden with Irish dancers and trad (tradtional Irish) musicians. So fun!

St. Patrick himself even made an appearance!

Such elaborate costumes!

A giant St. Patrick costume. A little creepy, not going to lie.

Nice hat dude!

Shout out to all the O'Malley's back in the 'burgh! 

Oh hey, I'm Irish! Top o' th' mornin' to ya!

As the parade was disbanding, we joined up with a couple of my pals who were also there and made our way through the crowd to the center of Trafalgar Square where they had set up a stage.

One of the first acts that we saw were an Irish dancing school - very fun!

This was a group of like 20 musicians, all different ages, playing guitars, flutes, accordions, and tons of other stuff!

How cute!

Soo many people. So much fun!

This group of five musicians were great!

If you can get past all of the screaming, you can get a feel for what it was like up near the front where we squeezed ourselves to. Plus the band was good and kept everyone excited and dancing to some great trad music!

After grabbing a couple necessary pints of Guinness (a must at any St. Patty's Day celebrations..), we moseyed on back to my flat to change and gather up Brittney's things. For dinner, we went down along the river, to the Southbank area where there's a ton of neat little places, and found a cool place that made some delicious burgers! Then we took our time and strolled along the riverside..

A saxophonist plays into the night under Waterloo Bridge as the towering London Eye and the distant Big Ben shine on.

As I explained to Brittney, I don't care if it's blurry, I like the colors!

When the winds rising up from the river became a little too chilly for us, we strolled back along the river until the sounds of all of the street performers' music faded into the night and the sleepy city began shutting down for the evening.

After getting Brittney all packed and ready for her flight home, we curled up in my room and watched the 2004 movie version of 'Phantom of the Opera' just to stay with the theme (plus Brittney highly recommended it!). With an early morning flight looming, we called it a night..


Ahh what a fun week! It really was like being on a bit of a vacation (minus the Friday school stuff..), with a mix of much-needed relaxation, exciting activity, travel, and general sight-seeing! I'm so glad Brittney came to visit and we had a ton of fun together! It was a nice little taste of home when I was just beginning to loosen my hold of it - such a long time being so far away can do that.. I even almost let slip calling my flat 'home' sometimes. Although, being almost three months in at this point, it might as well be. I'm having an amazing time over here, but I do miss everyone back home. I need the best of both worlds - how about all of you come visit next! Pleeeeeaaasssseee?!?

Good music to walk around London parks to:
Angus & Julia Stone - 'Hush', off their album 'Down The Way'
I know I just used these guys, but their stuff is just too good!


Whew, big post! And oh no, I've fallen even farther behind! Oh well, looks like I've got to play a bit of catch up over the next couple of days.