Tuesday, January 11, 2011

In the Aeroplane Over the Sea - Plane #2

(Recalling the events of:)
JANUARY 2, 2011

So, everyone rushes off the debacle that was the previously-described flight and head to their prior commitments, visions of sugar plums and delayed connection flights dancing in their head, or something like that. I'm feeling pretty good, not only because I had a comfy backseat to myself, but also because I love airports. Especially new airports. Having upwards of 7 hours ahead of me to explore this newly-discovered world was beautiful. The JFK airport being split into 7 different terminals, however, was and is not beautiful. Who does that!? I actually have to go OUTSIDE and run around like a mad man, following signs that lead to nowhere, to something called an "AirTran". Might as well have been the career of Macaulay Culkin post-'Home Alone', because I couldn't find that thing anywhere. Then, like a sign from god, or (more likely) an ingenious sign-placer-guy (what the hell do you call these people? seriously, I just spent three minutes trying to figure out who actually does stuff like that), I see the arrow pointing up.

SO. Short version: I figure it out. I get there. Terminal 4 is pretty cool, but pretty standard. Minneapolis-St. Paul still might be my favorite airport due to sheer size and organization. I have a ton of time to kill, so I post up at a power outlet and watch a bit of HBO's Pens vs. Caps 24/7. Fantastic series. I watched episode three there and was probably regarded as some crazy guy who kept alternating between laughing to himself and staring glued to the screen like he's watching the end of The Shawshank Redemption (which happens to be one of my top two all-time favorite movies).

Grab some McDonalds, hang out some more. My one earbud starts to go in and out, so I say to myself "Hell, I won't need American money where I'm going!" and blow a twenty on some new headphones. They're not bad - I've had better. Weird shape is the problem, but it was the cheapest they had. Whatever.

Next thing I know, I'm getting my boarding pass all figured out and checking on my bags. Lady at the desk is nice, helps me with a little misunderstanding involving my checked bags and paying for them. Resolved easily enough - I'm just most concerned with them being there when I get to London.

I wait around for a bit looking for this supposed IFSA-Butler (the program I'm taking this flight through) representative, but it's a no-go. Who knows. She was probably right behind me. Oh well, I head through security and to my gate, still a couple hours early. Waiting there isn't too bad - I keep thinking about approaching groups of student-looking people in case their headed my way, but most move on after a while. Surprise gate change, whatever, I'm just ready to go at this point. And I do soon enough.

7:30pm, Virgin Atlantic, NYC (JFK) --> London (Heathrow), Seat 53A.
I'll take another window seat. Woooooo
Met some students waiting in line; meet some more on the plane next to me and around me. No one going to King's though. Oh well. Let's go.

Goodbye, New York. I'll see you in June, America.

So pretty, so many lights.

Long flight - about 7.5 hours. There's some general conversation with the kids around me, then I get some food and watch an episode of Modern Family, which I thoroughly enjoyed - definitely a show I've been meaning to check out, and an episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, which I'd seen before, but never gets old. Hilarious. It's the one where they kidnap the critic. So good. Food was pretty good too, surprisingly. Some sort of chicken and mashed potatoes, with some veggies. Throw in a small salad, a roll, and a little crumb cake = I'm a satisfied customer. And tired, but not enough to just drift off. I force myself to sleep as I remember the last time I stayed up through the flight to London five years ago, I was falling asleep on the bus the next day.

I get about four hours, collectively. There were certainly starts and stops. It was like driving my '99 Ford Explo(d)er in the winter - sometimes you just have to keep kicking it and it'll get you where you want to go. Once I'm up for good, I do some reading - Stephen Hawking's new book, "The Grand Design". You know, because light knowledge of theoretical and astrophysics is a hobby of mine. Actually, I do enjoy that stuff. But seriously, it's a good book for anybody who likes to read crazy theories about he universe and all that jazz. I love that stuff. I'd work for NASA if it wasn't going down the tubes..

Finally, here it comes: my second plane-window sunrise in 24 hours.


Then, all of a sudden, I feel the plane start to descend. We've got to be over England. I'm almost there.

Through the clouds.. and suddenly..

Oh hey London, long time, no see! Mind if I stay a while?

We're on the ground, then off the plane, then crossing the border. Passports are stamped, I'm officially here. Please let my bags be here too.. YES. Sweet. I grab my wheelie-duffel and guitar case (hoping it's in good shape) and head out to figure out what to do next.

Short version: I do. I meet some more people, finally some that are heading to my school and living near me, which is awesome. We hop on some buses and head to a hotel for IFSA-Butler Orientation.

Sadly, I have no pictures of much that happened at and around the hotel, so there's no use continuing to tell lame stories. It was fun times. I strangely had no roommate, but friends of mine and I have theories about this.. But it was nice not have to worry about any of that.

First traditional English dinner (program picks up the bill, of course): Shepherd's Pie, followed by the interestingly-named dessert, Spotted Dick. Yup. But I'm one for anything (food-wise, people), so I give it a go, and you know what? It's not bad. Quite good actually, once you get past the fact that it looks like moldy jello with nacho cheese on top. It's steamed spice cake with raisins in it, covered in some sort of creamy sauce. Not too shabby.

First drink in a pub: a Strongbow cider ale at The Chandos pub near Trafalgar Square. (Second drink was some sort of lager that I'd never heard of, but was very good as well)

Other than that, there was more orientation formalities the next day, where I made some more new friends (it's like going through freshmen year all over again); then, all of a sudden I was heading to my apartment at King's College University to move into the room I'll be staying for the next five months. Let's go.

Good music to hang around an airport with:
Sufjan Stevens - "Come On! Feel the Illinoise!", off his fantastic album "Illinois"
One of my all-time favorite albums. Get it. It will change your life.

Good music to get through the tail-end of a long flight:
The Arcade Fire - "We Used to Wait", off their new album "The Suburbs"
A glorious comeback to the truly awesome form established with their first album.


I know, there's still barely any pictures. Well, from here on out, there's a ton of touring and walking around. I kept forgetting to bring or use my camera at first so that's why there's been none yet. Plus, my story hasn't even started its main London portion yet.
By the way, see what I did with the titles of this post and the last? A tip of the cap to another great musical group, Neutral Milk Hotel.

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