Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Visiting Tate Modern

(Photos taken on the day of:)
JANUARY 7, 2011

So there's this British band called Art Brut that I found a couple of years ago (their debut album, 'Bang Bang Rock & Roll' is pretty good, but it's an acquired taste). Anyway, one of my favourite songs is called Modern Art and it goes like this:

Modern art

Makes me
Want to rock out!
So I'm in the Tate,
And I'm looking at Hockney.
And wow!
There's something amazing about that blue!

It makes me want to step outside; 
I want to loosen my tie.
Sweet Jesus!
My heart is beating faster, and faster.

I'm palpitating, I'm sweating.
I just can't help myself!
I just can't help myself!

Well, I went to the Tate - I didn't really have any particular revelations about colors, followed by a desire to run outside (I guess it was raining, so maybe that's why..), but I did find a lot of interesting stuff. I do enjoy modern art, but I do feel like there's the great majority that I'll never 'get', and that's alright. I'm into different stuff, and it seems like some of the artists were just doing what the felt like doing and didn't really care about what other people thought. That's an admirable quality - one that I'd like to adopt with my own music. It's about what you feel and the way that it moves you, holding some deeper meaning to yourself. And I think that's just groovy, baby.

Here are some of my favorites. I didn't write down the artist or anything, sorry. All paintings belong to the Tate Modern art museum, or their respective artists (don't sue me, please and thank you).

The following few are from a pretty funny/strange section called Dark Humour. I don't see how they constitute art, but hey, whatever!

Reads: "Santa Clause is not evil, there is no reason to defend myself against him."

A very cynical 'horoscope'. Looks like all I am is "Very Tall", though. A lot of people will apparently probably die this week.

Reads: "Fuck the eclipse"

lawls. I feel like I doodled this stuff in high school. I should have submitted it..

Sometimes, it was more interesting to see the type of material used. I can't remember exactly what this one was, but it was some sort of carpet-like material made from from paint mixed with something like stucco. I'm probably completely off, but oh well:

And, the necessary and awesome, Andy Warhol exhibit:

Might be my favorite.

Books arranged and coming out of the work. Pretty neat.

A mirror placed in the snow, nature reflecting nature.

The 'Guardian Angels'


Good music to analyze modern art to:
Andrew Bird - "Anonanimal", from his excellent album 'Noble Beast'
Beautiful song. Makes me want to learn how to play the violin.


Here's a picture I took on the way back, think it's good enough for the Tate Modern?:


More coming soon. 

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